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Conferences with Lifestyle

Whether it's for sales teams, franchisers, company wide or to showcase your business to partners we've got the experience to delight your delegates and celebrate your business.

What can Lifestyle Events do for you?

  • Venue sourcing
  • Menu tasting
  • Delegate management - Group accommodation, dietaries and managing rooming lists
  • AV and production
  • Music & entertainment
  • Event signage
  • Onsite support
  • Guest speakers
  • Catering
  • Event theming
  • Ideas and tips
Lifestyle Events

Watch our Meridian conference video


Knowledge sharing

What an opportunity for your people to share their knowledge and insights with others. Lifestyle Events will build a conference to facilitate knowledge sharing among your employees or provide a platform for thought leaders in your business to share their ideas with a wider audience.



We know, and it's one of the key understanding we have here at Lifestyle Events, that one of the most important benefits of a conference is they provide an opportunity for attendees to network with each other and build relationships. We'll help your people to connect with each other, potential customers, partners, or investors.


Team building

If you could bottle the team spirit created at conferences you'd be a very lucky business. We'll help you organise your conference to help support team-building exercises, providing employees with an opportunity to learn from each other and bond over shared experiences.


View some of our clients

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Get your FREE conference quote

Whatever your size of business – if you want to excite, engage, connect and motivate, give us a shout.

Drop us a message to or call us 0300 140 0013

We have received your application and will be in touch shortly.

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